As a Health Coach who focuses on helping people elevate their home COOKING... I knew I would have to start sharing some of my own recipes. The thing is, is that I don't really have any recipes to share. That's not because I don't cook my meals. I can say that I've been a devoted home cook since about the age of 10. But even from that early age, I can remember paging through countless cookbooks, becoming hungrily inspired. Then, instead of going line by line through the recipe, I'd gather up the main ingredients and go to town on the proportions and details. The jist of the recipe was more or less followed but I don't think I've ever really followed specific measurements except for baking but even then, I shake things up a bit.
I won't say that my style of cooking is always the best way to go. There are mistakes that can be made and if you're feeding a crew of people, you may not want to be so bold and just cook things off the cuff like that all the time. HOWEVER, I see plenty of reasons as to why more people should at least consider being a bit more liberal in the kitchen. Or the way I see it - more intuitive in the kitchen. That's what I realized a little while ago - that's what I do! Intuitive Cooking! I cook with my intuition. When I realized that that's what I do I wanted to start writing about it and how I do it etc. But then I thought - one of my favourite sayings - don't reinvent the wheel! So I scoured the Internet trying to find some clear, concise information on this method. Surprisingly, there's barely any info on this method! However, what I did find, I will be sharing in my Live Facebook event this Thursday for my weekly Checkin. That's right, the topic is Intuitive Cooking and I'll be diving right into it. Why just give a person the fish, when you can teach them how to fish instead?! I'll be sharing information, steps and tips on how to approach Intuitive Cooking rather then bombarding you with finite, rigid recipes. To end off, here are some reasons on why you should embrace intuitive cooking if you don't already:
If all this appeals to you then join my Facebook group Harvest the Day today, so you can make it for the free event, this Thursday January 27th at 3pm EST. See you there!
"It's not about time, it's about choices. How are you spending your choices?" - Beverley Adams One of the fundamental aspects of my program is focus on Time Management. Most of us feel too strongly the haze and daze of daily life. One of the main excuses we put out there that keep us from focusing on our health and wellness is that we don’t have the TIME!
That’s why I put it as one of the first, two MAIN aspects to focus on before we proceed with any of the other topics I touch on in my holistic health coaching practice. Because once you get a good handle on your TIME then you can focus on home cooking (which will most likely lead to weight loss, increased energy, better mood etc), selfcare, family life, sorting out your home environment etc. Yes, we are all busy. Daily life is overwhelming - especially if you have children. However, as you may or may not be aware, there is a monstrosity of tools and resources to help us deal with our time management and to get a good grasp at it. Next week in my weekly Facebook Live Checkin event I will be discussing the following:
Well, we're a few days into the new year and I imagine some focused 'resolutionists' out there are out on their missions - getting fit, going to the gym and starting diets. And if you are one of them and are out there lovingly motivated, inspired and with a sustainable game plan then I applaud you and cheer you on!!
However! IF - you're stepping into your 'new year, new me' approach with nothing more then fleeting statements such as: 'I'm gonna work out every morning for an hour from now on' and 'I'm not eating carbs anymore' because your GOAL is to lose weight, then I sincerely question and wonder about your approach. You very well might succeed but the chances are slim. The problem is, is that weight loss is not a goal to pursue - it is a consequence of other, more meaningful goals that you have pursued. And these, more appropriate goals are the ones that I am here to help you formulate. With specific action steps, that include timelines and milestones. But don't worry - it's not just charts and targets and super dry disciplined kind of stuff. We also aim to make it fun and playful. Perhaps, sweating it out in a packed gym is not actually the way you want to spend your time. Maybe - tuning into an online, streamed workout class with AMAZING music, joined virtually by other friends that you know is more appealing and doable! Or you discover that an hour long session every morning is not even effective and a solid 15min workout is enough! There's also the food prep game plan and self care strategy that should ideally go along with any kind of self-improvement undertaking. If you really want to get serious about weight loss - then FORGET about weight loss! Focus on the ACTION steps that will get you there. And if your lost or overwhelmed with ideas - then call me!! And/or join my private Facebook group Harvest The Day! Other welcomed side effects, (besides losing weight!) of working in this way with me are the following: - better sleep - less stress - more energy - less anxiety - better relationships - inner peace - and so much more! Yayy 2022!! Then please join my private Facebook group Harvest The Day! This is a place where I don't want to overwhelm you with a ton of information. It's not full of a ton of people that you don't know. I want it to be a place where we check in on each other and support each other. I want it to be intimate enough where we can comfortably unload some of our pesky problems.. 'my kids are driving me crazy!!' 'I have no idea what to cook anymore!' 'I need more selfcare time but I have no idea how to achieve that!?!?' I'll also toss in
There will also be: - Some tidbits here and there that resonate with me personally in regards to health and wellness (Mediterranean diet, Blue Zone diet, Konmari method, Personal Mission Statements, whole family rhythms etc.) - Some fun quizzes to get a realistic gauge of how we're doing in different areas of our lives - Inspirational quotes - Thursday afternoon at 3pm LIVE sessions on Facebook, to check in with ongoing goals, progress, challenges and setbacks In essence, it's a place to get some of that accountability that I offer through my Health Coaching services. Join and see if you like it. If you don't like it or you feel like it's not serving you then by all means - please Unjoin! My personal goal and mission in life is HELP PEOPLE BECOME THEIR BEST SELVES! That does not happen when your physical, mental, soulful and digital self is cluttered with a bunch of meaningless things that do not serve you. I'm here to insist that you CLEAR THE CLUTTER and I'm totally okay with the fact that I might be considered clutter to you! I know there are others that I am here to serve and support. We can all be honest and compassionate at the same time. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you on Thursdays if this sounds appealing to you! All the best :) |